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The growing computer technology is getting more possiblities in spreading for the destroy of the technology system so it is must to have computer security thrugh other possible ways like Antivirus softwares,SSL Certificates,Siteinspectors and here you could find the guidance and knowledge keeping a secure Cloud technology

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Creación: 06/06/2012 06:12
Actualizar: 25/06/2012 07:17
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Role Of Antivirus For Providing PC Security

sslcertificate :: SSL Internet Security

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artículo: Buy SSL Certificate From Certificate Authority - 21/06/2012 13:30

The SSL Certificate concept is very simple, If you want to secure your websites, or E-commerce business from hacking,phishers and many botnet viruses , The need and the solution we could get is getting a quality SSL Certificates. Lets take an example you have a website name as and you are providing a business or selling a pencil products online. Consider you have pretty good customers who wants to buy the pencils from your websites , Now the hackers come in between to steal all your customers information and all your money transactions with your Customers. So now the company plans to get a SSL Certificate which sets a secure path to the customers and the xyz company by encrypting the bits and bytes transformed during the transaction.Getting any SSL Certificate alone not helps on securing a website,It depends on the how the SSL Certificate provider is. Choosing the SSL Certificate provider is the main step for setting the SSL Certificates because If the XYZ company end up in getting a fake or a self signed not worth SSL Certificates ,it is under trouble .This affect the business very much. When the XYZ company is buying SSL Certificate from a fake SSL Certificate provider then due to the inappropriate setup which fail to give a secure https: setup can make the company website i.e “XYZ” to loose their customers. They loose their customers due to insecure setup, this leads to the more visibility of the customers transaction to the hackers and phishers. Ultimately due to the lack of appropriate SSL Certificate , Their top position in the business would be coming down. Certificate Authority Benefits: Now If the decides to regain its business and did all researches about on “How to get a SSL Certificate” , So Now it decides to get a SSL Certificate from the Certificate Authorities like Comodo,Verisign,Geotrust. Buy SSL Certificates from Certificate Authority like Comodo , you would see how you are growing in your business with customer trust,Secure,reliability and quality. Certificate Authority Comodo do a research on which had a request for SSL Certificates from Comodo. Comodo Checks whether the XYZ website is able to maintain this security setup like SSL Certificate using Network security Norms. After the XYZ website is qualified , it is offered an SSL Certificate.Comodo ensures to give them a complete support through out even after the installation. Plus in buying the SSL Certificates from the Certificate Authority like Comodo is both your business grow with secure and trust, and also with a good reputation. Now is safe with their business deals after getting SSL Certificates from Certificate Authority and They regained their customers back and also their customers are happy to get Pencils from the “” securely. You can also Buy SSL Certificate that is free from Comodo , So that you can test the product and get a better picture for securing your website.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artículo: Role Of SSL Certificates In Web Browsers - 25/06/2012 07:17

Most of them may be new about What is SSL Certificate is? You may wonder “being new to internet and browser” why do you want to know about SSL Certificates? No, Its very important to know about SSL Certificate to survive in this Web world Safely. SSL Certificates are the secure path set for a website , the path is encrypted using algorithm so whenever a data is passed the datas are encrypted using that algorithms. The Security Breeches is still a big talk as the improvement in the technology. The only way to interact with the internet and share knowledge is through the Web browsers, The web browsers are also sensitive for hacking,phishing kind of activities. A low security web browse can make easily visible of your personal stuffs to the hackers. When you are interacting in the search engine , the web server and the web browser plays an Important role. There are many websites available now a days are designed to spread virus. Some websites ask you to enter login details and spread virus through mail like botnet viruses. So if a browser , a website with SSL Certificates enabled make you more secure and protected. If it is a good webbrowser then it will intimate it is a blocked website so dangerous to enter it. Web page addresses can be disguised or take you to an unexpected site. Many web browsers are configured to provide increased functionality at the cost of decreased security. New security vulnerabilities may have been discovered since the software was configured and packaged by the manufacturer. Computer systems and software packages may be bundled with additional software, which increases the number of vulnerabilities that may be attacked. Third-party software may not have a mechanism for receiving security updates. Many web sites require that users enable certain features or install more software, putting the computer at additional risk. Many users do not know how to configure their web browsers securely. Many users are unwilling to enable or disable functionality as required to secure their web browser. As a result, exploiting vulnerabilities in web browsers has become a popular way for attackers to compromise computer systems. So If you are Starting a business , imagine you have a E-Commerce website and you are establishing and interacting to your customers through a browser which does not gives full security then in that case SSL Certificates are the only solution to be away from hackers. SSL Certificates from Certificate Authorities like Comodo is a secure and safe SSL Certificates.Comodo SSL Certificates are giving many SSL Certificates services like,,, If want to compare the products and the prices of the products you can check out in Before you dive for getting a SSL Certificate it is must to research on it for long time growth and trust of your business. To Buy SSL Certificate from Comodo , you can directly go the website called , then buy it. Some of the interesting features and guides are offered by SSL Certificate. While discussing about support, its interesting to know that Comodo is having Geek buddy team where the team gives 24/7 supports and its really a great thing to know about. Why Comodo SSL? -Immediate validation & issuance -2048 signatures / 256 bit encryption -Trusted by 99.9% of browsers -Unlimited Server Licenses -Industry Leading Support -30 day money back guarantee -Free TrustLogo boosts conversion -$250,000 Warranty Comodo SSL Certificates are the quickest and most cost effective way for any online business looking to protect customer transactions and trust with high assurance SSL security.